Issue 7 – Martina Ward talks to SRM
Welcome to SRM and to this new look Spring/Summer edition of Sim Racing Magazine.
The only digital interactive magazine for the sim racing community!
Welcome to SRM and to this new look Spring/Summer edition of Sim Racing Magazine.
Welcome to the Spring edition of our digital Sim Racing Magazine SRM and what another great issue we have for you.
Welcome to the Autumn edition of our digital sim racing magazine SRM and what an issue we have for you.
Welcome to our bumper summer edition of our digital sim racing magazine SRM. The weeks have flown by since our last issue and with so much happening in the world of sim it has been difficult to know where to start.
This 3rd end of season issue is packed with so many great sim racing articles its just so hard to know where to start! This issue not only includes our usual great articles from our fantastic PCGB Championship, but it also features articles from iRacing UK and PorscheSport, making this the only dedicated Sim Racing Magazine that is written for our great sim racing community – ENJOY!
A very warm welcome to our second edition of our digital sim racing magazine, which has been produced for everyone who loves sim racing and motorsport. This issue really is packed with everything sim related you can feast your eyes on – ENJOY!
This first issue is packed with driver profiles, a fantastic prize and lots of interviews. Also Peter MacKay gives us a fascinating insight into the world of commentary and Gavin Halls gives us an exciting account of being a pro racing driver in the virtual world. So grab a coffee and lets get straight into the action – ENJOY!